Monday, May 9, 2011

My Good Luck Charms

Just a few days left!!!  So these guys came over to wish me luck ;)

Ok, end of silliness. I gotta get back to work.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Top 10: Reasons I Can't Wait For Finals To Be Over

Ok, I'll admit the is a bit of a cheap post, but I'm stress and need to vent a little!

1.  I can read romance novels again!!! I cannot even say how much I miss my babies :(  I knew how much work I had to do, so with the exception of Lover Unleashed I packed up ALL my books in a box, taped it up, and put it under my bed.  Ugh.
2.  I can blog again.  Once I start reading again I'll actually have something to blog about.
3.  I can read other people's blog's again.  My RSS feeds are currently piled sky high.
4.  I can sleep without feeling guilty.  I haven't given up sleeping, but yea, I wake up feeling bad about doing it.
5.  I can start making some moolah.  My summer job (which is working for the college) starts less than two weeks after exams, and I'm actually pretty excited.  The house I'm living in is decent (which is nice since they're paying for it!), the people I'm working with are cool, and a few of my good friends live nearby.  Score!  The one downside is that it's a lot of physical labor and I'll have some pretty strange hours.
6.  I can watch more TV.  True summer activity there!
7.  I can go swimming.  I don't know if I'll get to go to the beach this year, but I'm sure I'll get to hit the local pool a few times.
8.  I can work on my tan.  I tan pretty quickly, so this should be an easy on to knock off.
9.  I can eat better food.  The downside of working for the college is that I'll still be eating at the dining hall, but you know people will be throwing picnics and bbqs from time to time!
10.  I can go to summer parties.  Love these the best.  Tend to be more laid back, relaxed, and chill then parties during the rest of the year when people are stress out.

In conclusion- bring on the summer, the sun, and the fun little drink umbrellas!