Friday, February 4, 2011

TGIF: Hawt Football

TGIF everyone!  This hasn't been the greatest week for me, so I'm glad to see the weekend.  What's the best solution to a bad week- hot men and a funny video of course!

Since the Super Bowl is coming up I decided to go with a football theme!  I'm not a big football fan but I get shivers looking at these guys ;)

I was deeply distrubed when I was googling these photos(and no, not just because google images without safe mode is a mine field).  Why are they all white?!  I didn't want to use professional football players, so I mostly looked up models, but since a whole lot of pro footballers are black, wouldn't it make since to have some black models too?  Not that these guys aren't smokin', but what's up with all the white washing?

On a different note, look a funny video, because British people make us laugh:

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the UK, and my sister keeps telling me to watch Fast and Loose because some of it is side-splittingly funny. And that was one of the bits she mentioned.
